
About the artist:

After twenty years of teaching high school and middle school art, and then painting many residential and commercial murals, Melanie has returned to her original love... watercolor.  "The aqueous medium allows me a new freedom of expression and transforms my images from merely representational to semi-abstract and often non-objective.  My use of color invites you to experience energy and joy."

She also enjoys working with acrylics and collage materials on large canvases expressing herself with abstract images, often using a watercolor approach.

Melanie holds graduate and undergraduate art degrees from Young Harris College and the University of Georgia Lamar Dodd School of Art.

She is a Signature Member of Georgia Watercolor Society, a member of Duluth Fine Arts League and Norcross Gallery and Studios in Historic Downtown Norcorss GA.

Her work may be seen on numerous murals in schools and churches throughout the metro Atlanta area, New Mexico and Florida. Her watercolor and acrylic paintings may be seen in Norcross Gallery and Studios, Norcross, GA and in numerous private collections.  She resides with her husband in Suwanee, GA and Blairsville, GA.